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Garden Bandit™ & Telesco-Weeder™    Tool Manufacturers Official Website

Do you have a Garden BanditTM  bndt_icon2.jpg (15386 bytes)

 #1 weeder chasing weeds out of your garden yet?

Eliminate the need for harsh chemicals by using these unique tools designed for cultivating close to plants without damaging them!

AS  SEEN ON HGTV, Cityline TV,    Plant & garden, Natural life, Canadian Gardening, Chatelaine Magazine, Gardening Life, Canadian House & Home, Country Woman, Beautiful BC, Fine Gardening, Globe & Mail, Profil, & many many more!


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Recommended by   Hope Milner and many more


Using a Garden Bandit™ #1 weeder

Using a Telesco-Weeder™ tool


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Bandit's tips & tricks

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One of Top 5 "Must Have" Garden tools Chatelaine Magazine

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Bandit's Tip Column

Tid-bits you might find useful

Follow the links & Enjoy!

Weeding Techniques(article)

Bandits Tips(Tip Column)

Tomato Skyscrapers! (article)

Edible Weeds?(article)

Better soil... less weeds(article)

Bugs ‘n’ Panty Hose?(article)

Did you know?... (TRIVIA)

Edible Landscaping?...(article)

Bandit's Brain Teaser Solution...(You found it!)

Clover Companions

When you plant next years crop of cabbage, broccoli or other brassicas, try planting an under crop of subterranean clover around them at the same time to control pest problems. Research at Cambridge University has shown that a clover under-crop helps reduce cabbage butterflies & their worms by up to 90% . It also reduces root flies, aphids and other pests while adding nitrogen to the soil at the same time. The main reason clover works so well in deterring pests is that it helps camouflage the brassicas scent and visibility to the pest insects.

A Cure for slugs?

Have you just about given up on those obnoxious slugs? Well here’s an idea that gets ‘em good. Just one catch tho’... you’ve gotta like grapefruit! So..if you do...don’t throw your grapefruit rinds in the garbage. Instead place them upside- down like little igloos all around your garden. Leave an opening on one side and those pesky slugs will crawl under them to hide. The citrus juice will then kill them ! The whole works can then be composted and fresh "slugloos" put out! Hah! who’da thought eh!

Saving Tomato Seeds(clickarticle)


Do you have a short article or tip you would like to share? Email it to us & we may include it on our page!


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Garden BanditTM and Telesco-WeederTM are trademarks of Landmark Innovations

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