Bugs ‘n’ Panty Hose?
Here’s a reliable, safe, eco-friendly pest control idea
that’s been used for years on melons and other large fruits. Putting a nylon stocking
over the fruit will keep the bugs & birds & even slugs away. If you don’t
mind taking a few minutes to do it you can do the same for your vegetable crop too! The
best crops to use this trick on are cauliflower, broccoli, squash, cabbage, corn, head
lettuce, big cucumbers, zucchini, etc.
Simply cut a piece of stocking to size, tie or sew one end closed & weave a garden
string around the perimeter of the open end as a draw string. Now slip the stocking over
the vegi or fruit and pull the draw string closed around the stem. Ta-dah! Bugs are
baffled and birds bugger off! The nylon will stretch as the plant grows and will provide
protection the whole time.
For younger crops of all plants, use a sheet of Reemay, (a fine polyester cloth
available at garden centres) to keep bugs and birds off. It is light enough that seedlings
can lift it, and it increases the heat from the sun allowing earlier healthier crops while
protecting them from pests. Just tuck the sides into the soil & leave enough slack in
the middle so the seedlings can grow!! |