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Garden Bandit™ & Telesco-Weeder™    Tool Manufacturers Official Website

Do you have a Garden BanditTM  bndt_icon2.jpg (15386 bytes)

 #1 weeder chasing weeds out of your garden yet?

Eliminate the need for harsh chemicals by using these unique tools designed for cultivating close to plants without damaging them!

AS  SEEN ON HGTV, Cityline TV,    Plant & garden, Natural life, Canadian Gardening, Chatelaine Magazine, Gardening Life, Canadian House & Home, Country Woman, Beautiful BC, Fine Gardening, Globe & Mail, Profil, & many many more!


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Recommended by   Hope Milner and many more


Using a Garden Bandit™ #1 weeder

Using a Telesco-Weeder™ tool


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One of Top 5 "Must Have" Garden tools Chatelaine Magazine

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Weeding Made Easy

weeding doesn’t have to be an onerous task. We will never rid our gardens of all the weeds, the idea is to simply keep them at bay while our desired plants grow. There is no need for whacking, grunting, and moving large quantities of soil about. Nor is there a need to use environmentally damaging chemicals to make our gardens beautiful.

Controlling weeds is easiest while they are young and just emerging from the soil. They are tender and vulnerable at this stage unlike the mature deep rooted monsters. Once your desired plants are established, you don’t want to disturb the soil around their roots, so pulling big weeds or digging them out with spades, forks, trowels & regular hoes certainly isn’t the answer.

Clearly the best method to keep ahead of the weeds is to lightly cultivate your garden on a regular basis. Every so often while you‘re out seeing what is blooming or what is ready to eat is best. By regularly cultivating only the top inch or two of soil with a Garden BanditTM weeder or Telesco-Weeder™ tool, you can effectively control young weeds without disturbing your good plants. The Garden BanditTM weeder or Telesco-Weeder™  blade slips along just under the soil surface cutting off the emerging weeds yet it leaves the soil behind so you’re not always moving it about! It also creates a type of aerated micro-mulch, which helps reduce evaporation and improves soil conditions for beneficial microbes. Such cultivating done regularly only takes a few minutes with a Garden BanditTM weeder or Telesco-Weeder™ & it benefits your garden immensely.... making your garden feel as fresh as it looks!

"Now that’s what I call easy weeding"


                            made%20in%20Canada.gif (213 bytes) Made in CANADA made%20in%20Canada.gif (213 bytes)

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Garden BanditTM and Telesco-WeederTM are trademarks of Landmark Innovations

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