Whenever you look
at these whimsical Skeeter Huts, youll feel good about yourself for they are a
symbol of your concern for the environment!
They are handmade from recycled scrap wood, wire, and colored tile roofing destined for
Three styles available:
"Rainforest" Hangs in the window or from
houseplants, from Chrismas trees & car mirors.
"Wetland" stake mounted version for
houseplants, flower & grass arrangements or mystical garden decor.
"Urban" A powerful refrigerator magnet version
Each one has individual characteristics and a portion of all
sales goes to preserving wild bird habitat.
"A symbol of your concern & support for the
Retail $1.99ea. Free
display card with first wholesale order 
For more info or to order call toll free
or email us